বুধবার, ২৩ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

10 Tips for a Happier life........

Slide 2Don’t worry...
Worry is the least productive of all human activities and thoughts…
Slide 3

Don’t let needless fears preoccupy your life...

Slide 3
Because most of things we fear never happen.....
Slide 3
Don’t hold grudges...
  Slide 3
Slide 5That is one of the biggest and most unnecessary weights we carry through our lives.. Don’t take on the problems of other people..
They are better equipped to handle their own problems than you are..
Slide 6
Take on one problem at a time  
  It’s the only way to handle things anyway..one by one..  
Don’t live in the past..
It will always be there in your memories to enjoy..but don’t cling to it. Concentrate on what is happening right now in your life..and you will be happy in the present also..not just the past.
  Be a good listener. It is only when one listens..that one gets and learns ideas different from ones own...
  Slide 7Do not let frustration ruin and rule your life...
Slide 8 Self pity more than anything..interferes with positive actions..with moving forwards in our lives. Count your blessings...
  Don’t even forget the smallest blessings.. As many small blessings add up to large ones
Don’t take your problems to bed with you.
They are bad and unhealthy companions for good natural sleep and rest..

সোমবার, ২১ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

Key Board Short – Cut Key Combinations for MS Excel

hort cut keys are the easiest and shortest way to finish your files or documents in MS Excel or other Programs. Wish you use these short cut keys in MS Excel and commit them all to memory to be a good and a fast computer operator.

1.     Ctrl + 9=                   Hide Rows
2.     Ctrl + 0=                  Hide Columns 
3.     Ctrl + F4 + =   Closes Work Book Window
4.     Ctrl + F10=     Maximize the Work Book
5.     Ctrl + F9=       Minimize the Work Book
6.     Ctrl + F5=       Restore Window Size
7.     Ctrl + F6=       Next Window
8.     Ctrl + Tab=     Next Window
9.     Ctrl + F11=     Insert a New Sheet
10.            Ctrl + P=              Print
11.            Ctrl + S=              Saves the Work Book
12.            Ctrl + O=    Open a Work Book
13.            Ctrl + 1=              Format Dialog Box
14.            Ctrl + N=    Create a New Work Book
15.            Ctrl + H=    Find and Replace
16.            Ctrl + K=    Insert Hyperlink
17.            Ctrl + W=   Closes the Work Book
18.            Ctrl + A=    Select the Entire Worksheet
19.            Ctrl + X/C/V=  Cut/Copy/Paste
20.            Ctrl + 7 =    Show or hide the standard toolbar
21.            Ctrl + Tab=          Switch Between Open Excel Files
22.            Ctrl + Space=       Select the Entire Column
23.            Ctrl + Shift + $ =General Num, Format    
24.            Ctrl + Shift + S =Currency Format
25.            Ctrl + Shift + %= Percentage Format        
26.            Ctrl + Shift +! =  Comma Format              
27.            Ctrl + Shift + &=Outline Border      
28.            Ctrl + Shift + __=Remove Borders
29.             Ctrl + Shift +9=Unhide Rows
30.            Ctrl + Shift +0=Unhide Columns
31.            Ctrl + Page Up/Down =Go to Previews/Next Worksheet
32.            Ctrl +Home/End=         Go to First/Last Cell of the Worksheet
33.            Ctrl + Arrow Key= Go to the Next(Last) Empty Cell
34.            Shift + Space=     Select the Entire Rows
35.            Shift + F3= Insert Function
36.            Shift +F2=  Insert Comments
37.            Shift + F10=         In place of Right click of Mouse
 38.            Shift + Arrow Key=    Extent the selection by one cell
39.            Shift + Enter=      Leads the Curser Upward
40.            F11=           Insert a New Sheet
41.            F12=           Saves as
42.            F5=             Go to
43.            F7=             Spell Checking
44.            Alt + 0149=        
45.            Alt + 0163=         £
46.            Alt + 0153=        
47.            Alt + 0169=         ©
48.            Alt + 0188=         ¼
49.            Alt + 0189=       ½
50.            Alt + 0190=         ¾
51.            Alt + 0165=         ¥
52.            Alt + 0133=         
53.            Alt + 0191=         ¿
54.            Alt + 254= 
55.            Alt + 8=              
56.            Alt + 888=  x
57.            Alt + 16=          
58.            Alt + 17=   
59.            Alt + 30=   
60.            Alt + 31=   
61.            Alt + E=               Edit
62.            Alt + F=               File (Format)
63.            Alt +V=                View
64.            Alt + I=                Insert
65.            Alt + T=               Tools(Table)
66.            Alt + W=              Window
67.            Alt + H=               Help
68.            Alt + F8=    Macros Dialog Box
69.            Alt + F11=  Visual Basic Editor
70.            Alt  + EnterInsert a New  Work Book
71.            Alt + Tab=     Switch Between Applications
72.            Alt  + F4=   Close Excel
73.            Alt +  ‘ =              Display the new style dialog box
74.            Alt + Click=            Search (Treasury)